Coffeeneuring Challenge 2020 #5: Intentional Foods
- Ride #5
- Date: 2020-11-19
- Distance: 19.28 miles – Strava
- Drink: Peixoto Drip Coffee
- Location: Intentional Foods, Peixoto
I had a different coffee shop planned for this that I wanted to ride to after an appointment. But I didn’t have the energy after my appointment but luckily for me there was a restaurant serving coffee and donuts next door. I still got to enjoy a pretty good coffee and a great donut.

The Ride
A very basic ride. I don’t think I even technically left Mesa. I stayed on Extension (Mesa Bike Route #3) for the North/South bits of the ride. I took the most direct route on the way there since I was running late for my appointment.
On the way back I swung by a nice big basin park to drink my coffee and enjoy my donut.

The park was along the Western Canal which I hopped on for a short bit on the way home before hooking back up with Extension.
The Drink(s)
I brought my insulated Kleen Kanteen and camp mug and it turned out to be a great idea. I went to Intentional Foods which is a dedicated gluten-free (and other food allergy) restaurant. They were serving drip Peixoto coffee, which is a coffee shop in Chandler that I really like. The owner was kind enough to bring out the whole big coffee pump thing and let me fill up my bottle as much as I wanted!
The donut was a baked cinammon roll donut. It was cut in half and spread with cinammon glaze and topped with icing. And as you might’ve guessed, it tasted delicious when dipped in coffee.

One Good Thing
This “One Good Thing” requirement I gave myself started out as something I was hoping to plan into each ride. But instead it became more of a “Look Back on the Ride for Something I’m Grateful For”, which is still fits spirit of the theme for me.
So in this case, I’m grateful that I found a way to make a doctor’s appointment into something fun with a park coffee/donut reward.